Damson Class - Year 2
At Tiptree Heath we are: Ready, Respectful, Safe
What we have been up to in Damson Class:
Our Curriculum
Our Topic
This terms topic is ‘chocolate’. In English we will write a non- chronological report about the process of chocolate. After, we will be looking at riddles and writing our own, as well as writing a story based on the book ‘Dragon Bake Off’. We will then be exploring the wonderful world of Roald Dahl’s ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.
In Maths we will be learning about money, multiplication and division, length and height then finally Mass, capacity and temperature.
In Science we will be exploring living things and their habitats.
In Geography we will be we will be gathering information about continents and oceans and writing an information booklet about them. We will be exploring different climates. We will be locating France on a map and designing a poster with key features.
In History we will be investigating the timeline of chocolate and comparing significant people like John Cadbury to other significant people.
In DT we will be planning, making and evaluating our own vehicles.
Information for Parents
Everyday we start at 8:45am We leave at 3:15pm
Our PE days are on Wednesday and Thursday - You will need to bring your PE kit to school on those days.
Reading - Please read at least 3 times at home each week. We are also counting how many times we read at home to get our Bronze (50 reads), Silver (100 reads) and Gold (200 reads) awards.
Spelling - Practise spelling patterns and words you find tricky each week. Children will complete a 20 word quiz each half term based on some of the spelling patterns we have been learning.
Here are our Autumn Term spelling patterns
Try and practise writing spelling words in a sentence too as this will help you learn them. Keep practising these spellings and spelling patterns so they can be used confidently when you are writing.
Maths - Maths homework will be set every Friday on Purple Mash. Children's log in information is in their reading diaries and you will find the homework under '2Dos'.
Practise times tables for the 2, 5 and 10 tables. From January children will have a log in to TT Rock Stars. The link to TT Rock Stars to help you is here TT Rock Stars link
For a list of recommended reads for Year 2 click here
We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised to plan and provide daily engaging phonics lessons.
In phonics, we teach children that the letters of the alphabet represent a different sound, that these can be used in a variety of combinations and are put together to make words. The children learn to recognise all of the different sounds and combinations that they might see when they are reading or writing.
Click here to see the list of sounds that we are consolidating.
Click here for access to phonicsplay. This is a useful website for fun phonics games.
We teach phonics and spellings daily in Year 2. Click here to see the overview of spelling patterns for the year.
We need to spell lots of words by the end of Year 2. Click here to see them and keep practising them until you can spell them correctly in your work.
The children have been practising applying sounds in phonics lessons and have been reading real and alien words. Practise sounding out these words. Click on the links below:
Recommended Reads
Activities for home
Websites for Phonics, English and Maths games: