Tiptree Heath Primary School

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103 Maldon Road, Tiptree, Colchester, Essex, CO5 0PG


01621 815445

Tiptree Heath Primary School

"Working together for everyone"

  1. Classes
  2. Little Scarlet

  Little Scarlet       

Click here to watch a short video about reading with your child at home

Click here for our EYFS Policy

At Tiptree Heath we are: Ready, Respectful, Safe

Our Curriculum

 Here is a link to our EYFS Long Term Plan: EYFS curriculum map 24-25

Some parts may be subject to change during the year, as we get to know the children and choose to teach to their own particular interests. 

To find out the changes to the Early Years Curriculum, click here.

Spring 2 2025: Spring has Sprung


Welcome back, everyone. We hope you have all enjoyed some rest and relaxation with your families and are ready to spring back into action for the second part of the term. It's such an exciting time of year, with buds and blossoms beginning to burst all around us and blue skies lingering for a little longer each day. We will be taking inspiration from the world around us this half term to learn about seasonal changes and how living things grow. We hope to give the children opportunities to grow their own plants from seed, observing the changes which occur from seed to seedling to established plant. We will learn about how our food comes from the ground and discover how and where different crops are grown, linking this to ways in which we can all be environmentally conscious and respectful of our planet. Children will also find out how fruits and vegetables form part of a healthy lifestyle and there may be opportunities for the children to sample some delicious recipes during the half term ahead. There are of course many animals as well as plants which are born this season and which begin their life cycle and we will be finding out about this too. We will continue to guide children towards independent reading and writing with the focus this half term on being able to say a short sentence out loud and attempt to write it with adult support. Maths is really taking off now, with learning moving towards more complex skills such as finding ways of combining two groups to make the number ten (number bonds). We look forward to spending more time outside as the weather warms and taking our learning, where possible, in the great outdoors. 

If you have any questions about any aspect of your child's learning this half term, please speak to a member of the team. A very in-depth explanation of our curriculum can be found above in our 'curriculum map'.

Weekly Update

WB 24th February

What will we be learning about this week?

Welcome back! This week, children will be discussing during circle time moments we enjoyed during the half term holiday. We will enjoy the story Oliver's Vegetables and link this in with learning about which foods are grown in this country and which ones come from far away. Children will also have the opportunity to try some observational drawing of daffodils at the craft table. 

Our home learning idea for this week is...

...to go with an adult to a supermarket and look at the labels in the fruit and veg section to find out which are grown here in the UK and which are grown from different countries. Could you draw a poster with pictures and labels for Show and Share? We would love to see anything like this you complete at home. 

Letter Formation

Here is a video of how we teach letter formation at Tiptree Heath. Hopefully this is helpful for practise at home. 
(This video was made using clips from the YouTube account: Ludlow Learning)


We will be doing PE on a Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Hutton 

 We will be learning gymnastics skills in the hall

For a list of general recommended reads in EYFS, click here

Phonics | Waterside Primary School

For information about how we teach phonics at school, take a look at this page of the school website.  


https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources - good for phonics games (many are free)

http://twinkl.co.uk/ - thousands of resources, some of which can be accessed for free

https://www.topmarks.co.uk - online maths games for primary school children, sorted by age

https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/literacy.html - online games again useful for phonics

https://www.bl.uk/childrens-books/themes/all-activities - Creative activities about characters, illustrations superheroes etc.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7D-mXO4kk-XWvH6lBXdrPw - stories and poems performed by Michael Rosen

https://www.coolmath4kids.com - Online games, great interactive manipulatives, lessons, quizzes and brain teasers 

https://easyscienceforkids.com - activities about understanding the world

https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/ - articles, activities and games

https://artfulparent.com - art and craft ideas

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5XMF3Inoi8R9nSI8ChOsdQ -how to draw videos for children