Tiptree Heath Primary School

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103 Maldon Road, Tiptree, Colchester, Essex, CO5 0PG


01621 815445

Tiptree Heath Primary School

"Working together for everyone"

  1. Classes
  2. Raspberry Class

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At Tiptree Heath we are: Ready, Respectful, Safe

What we have been up to: 

Our Curriculum

In Maths, we will have daily Maths meetings where we will focus on a ‘Number Of The Day’. Within this, we will have a go at forming numbers correctly and representing numbers using ten frames and base 10. 

We will also cover the following Maths units:

  • Place Value Within 20
  • Addition and Subtraction Within 20
  • Place Value within 50
  • Length and Height
  • Mass and Volume

In English, we will be reading a variety of books, such as ‘Lost In The Toy Museum’, ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’ and ‘Paddington Bear’. We will be creating our own lost poster for a toy, as well as creating a set of instructions for Paddington to follow, to make a marmalade sandwich! We will have daily phonics sessions!


Here are some links you may find useful to recap our Maths learning at home:

Karate Cats Maths: Join the Karate Cats as you build and test your Maths skills across different Maths topics. Learn and practise topics, such as place value and addition and subtraction!  Go ahead and show off your awesome Maths skills and become a Maths-Champion Karate Cat!


 Maths Games Website: A range of games, again split into the different units of Maths.


Here are some links you may find useful to recap our learning at home:


https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources  You can access the following games on Phonics Play for free: ‘Buried Treasure’, ‘Picnic On Pluto’, ‘Dragon’s Den’. 

When playing these games, you can choose which specific sounds you would like to focus on (from phase 2 to phase 5). This website is particularly good as your child can practise reading nonsense words (alien words), which will support your child in completing the phonics screening check.


You can access previous Phonics Check Papers here: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/national-curriculum-assessments-past-test-materials#phonics-screening-check-resources

You can access the Little Wandle Parents page here: https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/ 

This page will help you support your child with saying their sounds and writing their letters. There are also some useful videos so you can see how they are taught at school and feel confident about supporting their reading at home. 

Handwriting website: https://ictgames.com/mobilePage/writingRepeater/index.html

This website allows adults to model how to form letters correctly. Your child can then repeatedly watch how you form each letter. You can even adjust the speed in which you form your letter.



Phonics Overview at Tiptree Heath

We use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised to plan and provide daily engaging phonics lessons.

In phonics, we teach children that the letters of the alphabet represent a different sound, that these can be used in a variety of combinations and are put together to make words. The children learn to recognise all of the different sounds and combinations that they might see when they are reading or writing.

 How we teach phonics and Early Reading (Early Years and KS1):

In reception and Y1, children follow the progression within Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised programme. Phonics is taught daily and there is a review session on a Friday. By the end of year 1, children will have been taught up to the end of phase 5. Year 1 lessons are 30 minutes long.

Recommended Reads

Letter Formation

Here is a video of how we teach letter formation at Tiptree Heath. Hopefully this is helpful for practise at home. 
(This video was made using clips from the YouTube account: Ludlow Learning)

Our Topic

'Step Back In Time'

In Science, our topic is Everyday Materials. Throughout this unit, we will continue to develop our Science enquiry skills, such as comparative testing and pattern seeking. We will be distinguishing between objects and the materials they are made from. Our Science learning also involves identifying and naming a variety of everyday materials. Using scientific vocabulary, we will describe the properties of different materials. I wonder which materials are waterproof?

In History, we will be looking at significant explorers (Tim Peake and Neil Armstrong), as well as nurses who were involved in events, including Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale. However, our main History learning this term is all linked with toys. We will focus on the differences between Victorian toys, toys our grandparents played with and the toys we play with today. Mrs McIntosh will even be bringing in toys that her grandparents played with, to create our very own toy museum in the classroom! I wonder which toy is the oldest in our class museum?

In Geography, we will identify the four countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities. We will also locate some towns and cities in the UK.

In Design Technology, we will be exploring picture books that include moving parts, including pivots and sliders. Linked to our History work on significant explorers and ‘The Way Back Home’ story, we will plan, create and evaluate our very own moving picture!

In Art, our focus will be printing with everyday objects, such as paper cups, cubes, milk bottle tops and forks. We will also be experimenting with using different grade pencils to draw toys. We will also be cutting and tearing paper and card to make a collage of a toy.


In Computing, we will program bee-bots, using directional language. We will even have a go at designing and planning a journey for a bee-bot!

In PSHE, we will be focusing on valuing and celebrating differences and growing and changing.

In RE, our focus religion is Christianity, where we will be discussing what the cross means to Christians. We will be comparing the different Christian crosses and identifying their meanings.  We will also be recalling the events of the Easter story.  

In Music, we will continue to develop our key skills, including listening, singing, playing and performing.

Our PE units this term are:

  • Hit, Catch and Run
  • Run, Jump and Throw
  • Gymnastics

Information for Parents

Everyday we start at 8:45am  We leave at 3:15pm

 PE is on Mondays and Wednesdays. Children will be getting changed for PE in school. Please ensure they have their PE kits in school ready. 

Please bring in your reading diaries every day.